AI-Driven Data Virtualization Layer

Transform your data into a single source of truth.

Data Identification

Automatically identify and categorize your data types.

Data Relationships

Visualize end-to-end data lineage effortlessly.

Master Data

Empowering Data with AI Innovation

VertexMDM provides an AI-first data virtualization layer that connects and analyzes data seamlessly, ensuring a single source of truth for informed decision-making and enhanced business intelligence.

a computer generated image of a diamond on a red background
a computer generated image of a diamond on a red background



Trusted by Experts

Data Simplified

AI Data Virtualization

Transform your data management with an AI-first approach to data virtualization and master data creation.

Data Identification

Automatically identify data types for streamlined management of customer, supply chain, and billing data.

a red and black picture of a man's face
a red and black picture of a man's face
Data Relationships

Create and visualize relationships between tables for comprehensive data lineage and analysis capabilities.

a table with a vase of flowers on it
a table with a vase of flowers on it

VertexMDM transformed our data management. Their AI-first approach streamlined our processes, ensuring accurate master data and seamless integration across all our systems.

Data Solutions

black and gray laptop computer turned on
black and gray laptop computer turned on


Data Virtualization

AI-driven solutions for seamless data integration and management.

photo of outer space
photo of outer space
red and blue boke lights
red and blue boke lights
black and silver laptop computer on brown wooden table
black and silver laptop computer on brown wooden table
a blue background with a 3d rendering of a symbol
a blue background with a 3d rendering of a symbol